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La sexy modelo de un metro de altura

07/11/2017 16:59 Mundo Web

La sexy modelo de un metro de altura La sexy modelo de un metro de altura

Dru Presta es una joven estadounidense de 21 años que sufre de enanismo y que logró derribar las barreras del mundo de la moda. 


La joven modelo de un metro de altura, nació en la ciudad de Reno, Nevada y desde pequeña fue víctima de intimidación durante 15 años debido a su condición. 


Dru hace dos años se mudó a la ciudad de Los ángeles donde comenzó a estudiar para obtener el título de marketing y forja una exitosa carrera como modelo en Los ángeles. 


"Reno, Nevada es realmente pequeño. Por lo tanto, es muy pequeño en diversidad. No aceptaban el hecho de que algo fuera diferente. Algo anormal", contó la joven a Barcroft Tv.


"El modelaje ha aumentado mi confianza mucho. Me siento mucho más sexy frente a la cámara, es como un Dru diferente al que le gusta estar expuesto. Honestamente, no hay otras palabras, me encanta estar frente a la cámara", agregó.

Dru Presta es una joven estadounidense de 21 años que sufre de enanismo y que logró derribar las barreras del mundo de la moda.  

La joven modelo de un metro de altura, nació en la ciudad de Reno, Nevada y desde pequeña fue víctima de intimidación durante 15 años debido a su condición.  

Dru hace dos años se mudó a la ciudad de Los ángeles donde comenzó a estudiar para obtener el título de marketing y forja una exitosa carrera como modelo en Los ángeles.  

"Reno, Nevada es realmente pequeño. Por lo tanto, es muy pequeño en diversidad. No aceptaban el hecho de que algo fuera diferente. Algo anormal", contó la joven a Barcroft Tv. 

"El modelaje ha aumentado mi confianza mucho. Me siento mucho más sexy frente a la cámara, es como un Dru diferente al que le gusta estar expuesto. Honestamente, no hay otras palabras, me encanta estar frente a la cámara", agregó.  

I’m so sorry for not posting as much this past week. I’ve really learned that life can’t always be black and white, yes and no answers this past month. Things take time to handle and deal with it. This industry takes a lot patience, and so does life. Not everyone can understand you and your ways, but that means you can SEE and UNDERSTAND things beyond what they can. So Slow down. Take a deep breathe. Remind yourself of your confidence, that yes your big butt has trouble fitting into things, and your body weight fluctuates when your don’t want it to but..... ITS OKAY YOUR GUYS SUPPORT HAS BEEN EVERYTHING. I LOVE YOU ALL

Una publicación compartida de Dru Presta (@g0lden.bebe) el

Happy birthday Eve to me!! I don''''t care, this picture took a year for me to post because of how uncomfortable I felt back then. I knew my body and yes I loved it, but seeing it on camera and what I see in the mirror is completely different. How would they react? Especially a little person doing all this? This photo shoot started it all. A year before this photo was taken I barely knew the understanding of accepting yourself. I lost a lot of weight compared to then and now. I definitely know and can see a difference. But that''''s only growing up and going through life''''s roller coasters. I''''ve lost friends this year, rekindled old ones, and made new ones. Who cares want everyone else wants, it''''s what YOU WANT. The life I wanted has already begun, and it''''s just beginning.

Una publicación compartida de Dru Presta (@g0lden.bebe) el

Im my own #WCW I''''ve been reluctant all morning about posting this. I don''''t want this photo just to be here for "entertainment". I am so incredibly proud of my curves that I had to do an appreciation post for myself. Im not the one to reveal my body on a lot posts. I like to feel empowered and in charge when I take my photos. This was a vulnerability test that I decided to take to be raw with you guys. It took me about 10 years to stop counting calories when I ate, or ate at all. I was a gymnasts so It was a practice to always make sure my muffin top didn''''t show in my suit. When I moved to Los Angeles I had so much stress and anxiety that it got the best of me and I would get sick every morning and night. I lost a ton of weight and it always fluctuated. I started doing new remedies, herbal care, yoga, hikes, and meditation. No one is perfect, sometimes I have to try a little extra to fit into jeans, sometimes my body doesn''''t compliment my outfit, but I make it work. I adjust the clothes to me, not adjusting me for the clothes. #beyou #notheretobeaverage #bossbabe #nojudgment #loveyourselffirst #dontalteryourself #disabilityawareness #littlepeopleawareness

Una publicación compartida de Dru Presta (@g0lden.bebe) el

October 1st starts the first day of my birthday month Its also dwarfism awareness month! Very blessed to be sharing my birthday with something also so personal to me. Being that my type of dwarfism is so rare, it took awhile for doctors to understand and know completely what my future held. It''''s so important to be aware of who you are and this month you will see a whole other side of what it means to be ME.

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